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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happy chrismanfjdskhdfkjhsawhatever

Sometimes I want to say Merry Christmas to someone and stop myself in fear of offending them. And I'm the type of gal who can't handle her English, so what comes out is kind of like "Merry ChriskaHannukaKwanzika...mas...?"
It's just so much trouble. But why can't I say Merry Christmas? It IS Christmas.
I don't say "Happy Chrismanfjdskhdfkjhsawhatever" on Hannukah, I mean, it IS Hannukah after all.

And is it really necessary to announce Kwanzaa?
More people celebrate Awful Tie Day and Boxing Day and even Recyclable Packaging Day where I live, anyways. Nothing against Kwanzaa, (and if you're at a Kwanzaa party or DO celebrate Kwanzaa, go ahead) but really.

I don't get why people are so offended or defensive or whatever. I'M NOT TRYING TO CONVERT YOU, GODAMMIT.
Anyways, my winter inspiration collage (I know it's kind of (f)artsy, but I'm happy with it. It needs work, but HEY PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, OKAY):

i'm not really an artist

I'm Isabelle and I like pretty things.

Some facts about me:
I love old people
I'm really ADD. About everything.
I love books
My room is a mess
I love food
I love sleeping
I have a love/hate relationship with school
I'm a geek. About everything.
^But I'm still kind of a novice at geekdom since my ADD is so bad that I've never really obsessed over anything to the point expertise
I like dancing
I love all good music
I love musicals
I love art, but I'm not really an artist.

Get to know me more: